Deluxe Fashion Ghoulia Yelps

Ghoulia will be drop dead gorgeous when she wears one of these awesome outfits. The first is a lovely sleeveless dress that features rows of interconnected gray and white cracked tombstomes separated by red or black.

The second outfit has a black top with white trim accentuated by a red & black brain wrinkle bow tie. Over the top is a white vest with a pattern of red cherries & black stems. The red pants have black cuffs and spots creating a dripping appearance.

Accessories include pink worm earrings, black horn-rimmed glasses, a diamond textured blue belt with skullette buckle, a purse, and shoes. The red purse is made up of eyeballs held by chain handles. The shoes are black peep-toe pumps with diamond textured blue platforms and heels.

  • Model Number:
  • Y0408
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