Viperine is fangtastic with her long pink & blond hair accentuated by the pink snakes that sprout from the back of her head. She is wearing a busy dress with a light blue top that features a black & pink floral & paisley print. The skirt is black with a pink, blue, and off-white print of Gorgon heads, flowers, and other designs. The bottom of the skirt has pink trim with a light blue ruffled hem.
Accessories consist of a pink snake headband, translucent pink snake glasses, and a pink necklace formed by a writhing ball of snakes. On her feet are pink knee-high lace-up boots decorated with waffle-like platforms, white fangs on the toes, and wiggling snakes at the tops.
Included with the doll is a light blue scaled case adorned with white fangs and a kissing snakes handle. There is also a pink makeup brush, a black makeup palette with eight skullette-shaped colors, a black brush, doll stand, and Viperine’s diary.
Age: 17 Monster Parents: Stheno [steth-an-uh] - Sister of Medusa Killer Style: Hippie Boho Chic. I like to be comfortable AND I never like scaling back when it comes to mixing different colors, patterns and fabrics together. Freaky Flaw: Some people are huggers. I'm a biter. I just can't help myself - it's the way I show affection. I try to remember to just shake hands, but sometimes I forget.
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